How to Search, Book and Manage Hotels on Your Favorite Travel Website

Finding a hotel is an important part of any trip. Whether you’re traveling with your family or looking for a romantic getaway, the right hotel can help you have a great time. The best way to find hotels is by searching online and booking through your favorite travel website. But what exactly do all those buttons on the website mean? In this article, we’ll show you how to search, book and manage hotels on your favorite travel website.


  • Search for hotels by location, dates and price.
  • Use filters to narrow down your search.
  • Search by amenities and things that are important to you.


  • How to make a booking: To book a hotel, use the “Book Now” button on the page of the hotel you want to book. The booking system will ask for your name, email address and credit card information. You can also use this link when making a reservation online at one of our partner sites listed above (Expedia®, Priceline®, etc.).
  • How to cancel a booking: If you need to cancel your reservation before it has been confirmed by our system (usually within 24 hours), please contact us with your cancellation details at [email protected] We will promptly process your request once we receive it; however there may be fees associated with cancellations depending on how far in advance they are made.* Please note that if any prepaid amounts were charged against this account prior to cancellation then those amounts will not be refunded back into this account after cancellation takes place.* We recommend contacting us directly so that we can review any additional charges before proceeding with any other action regarding these charges.* In addition, if applicable based upon specific terms set forth by each individual hotel property’s policy then refunds may not be available
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